Running on Empty

A short story

3 min readAug 17, 2022
Photo by Will Swann on Unsplash

Something’s not right. Just then there was a loss of power. It came back but that wasn’t a good feeling. I tell myself that it was probably nothing. I have to, I can’t imagine breaking down out here. A long, dark, straight road stretches out before me and I become acutely aware that I am 2 hours from civilisation in either direction.

Trees pass by on both sides of the road and I see no lights in front of me. There it is again, the engine stutters, but this time doesn’t seem to want to recover. As I pull to the side of the road it gives one more gasp, a shudder, and then there is silence.


I take a look at my phone and see a blank space where the bars should be, no service. I wonder how long it will take to walk to any kind of reception. No, it has to be better to wait it out, another car has to come past sooner or later. I have a few snacks and some water, it will be fine. After an hour I am beginning to think this won’t be so easy. I am getting sleepy and I don’t want my saviours to drive by without even noticing me. Without my headlights, it is pitch dark out here.

A crunch of gravel, what? I must have fallen asleep. My fuzzy head does not allow me to think too quickly and before I know it I see a checked shirt through my driverside window. Then a face lowers into view, a very…




Teacher whose life is family, books, and music. I write stories, poetry, and articles. Join Medium at